基督教青少年牧養團契有限公司(http://www.p-care.org.hk) 的網頁截圖
- 電話 : 23221243
- 傳真 : 23220229
- 地址 : 九龍鑽石山鳳德邨紫鳳樓地下4-5號
- 網址 : http://www.p-care.org.hk
- 電郵 : 沒有資料
- 非牟利機構根据香港法例成立,可以是透過社團條例注册、公司條例注册或成立慈善基金形式注册,獲香港税務條例第88條免税的慈善團體都是非牟利機構。
Established in 1991, our organization has been serving marginal youths by providing Christian based holistic care to youths and their family in the past two decades. Christian Based Holistic Approach (CBHA) is adopted, interweaving teaching and practice of Christian faith and moral enlightenment and social work approaches. God worth His glory and our organization is honored to be one of the most important channels to extend His love and care to marginal youths and their families in Hong Kong.
We conduct individual counseling and group programs for youths in prisons, correctional institutions, probation homes, reformatory schools, remand centers and social development schools, as well as after their discharge, walking together with them for the purpose of readjustment to society. Halfway House provides temporary hostel and counseling service to youth clients in need while Parents Supporting Center extends guidance and coaching assistance to their parents and families.
The organization has initiated cooperation with local churches in a vision to assist marginal youths or juvenile offenders discharged from correctional institutions or juvenile homes seeking for faithfully healthy life. Those young people became Christians through the process of pastoral care of our team, but because of their special backgrounds and even discrimination by others sometimes, it has been quite difficult for themselves to actually participate in regular church life if without proper reception of the church community. Effective dialogues and programs with local churches continue and new members of those young people are being sent to suitable churches for spiritual care. We pray for God to bless our efforts to support the youths to join local churches and eventually have a spiritual family of their own to facilitate long-term growth in Christian faith.
Financial resources of our organization come from donations by individual Christians, churches and funding institutions.
- 提供兒童及青少年服務
- 提供家庭服務
- 提供社區發展服務