Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women

Website Screen Capture of Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (http://www.rainlily.org.hk)
- Tel : 23922569
- Fax : 26251572
- Address : P.O. Box 74120, Kowloon Central Post Office, KLN
- Web Address : http://www.rainlily.org.hk
- E-mail Address : No related information
- Nonprofit organizationCharitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are Nonprofit organizations.
Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women established on 8 March, 1997, is a non-government charitable organization that works to raise awareness of sexual violence against women and promotes a gender equal environment. The Association, advocates for both the government and the community to provide adequate support to victims, to defend their rights and restore their lives with confidence and dignity.
1. To raise the public’s awareness of sexual violence.
2. To advocate the formulation of comprehensive policies to counter sexual violence.
3. To provide support to female victims and help them regain their self-esteem and confidence.
Service Brief:
- Providing Family Services
- Providing Community Development Services
- Providing Ethnic Minorities Services
Service Scope:
1.“Anti 480 - Anti Sexual Violence Resource Centre”- focus on young teenagers, preventive education.
2. Organize community seminars and training programs for professionals.
3. Publication newsletter“Combating Sexual Violence” (“反擊”).
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