Hong Kong Buddhist Association

Website Screen Capture of Hong Kong Buddhist Association (http://www.hkbuddhist.org)
- Tel : 25749371
- Fax : 28340789
- Address : 1/F, 338 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, HK
- Web Address : http://www.hkbuddhist.org
- E-mail Address : No related information
- Nonprofit organizationCharitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are Nonprofit organizations.
(English version is not available)
1. Spread the Buddha's teaching;
2. Provide social services and help disadvantaged groups;
3. Educate the young to make contribution to the society;
4. Consolidate unity and cooperation among Buddhist groups;
5. Promote communication among different religions, advance freedom of religion;
6. Enhance social harmony, maintain world peace.
Service Brief:
- Providing Elderly Services
- Providing Children & Youth Services
- Providing Rehabilitation Services
- Providing Other Services:
Service Scope:
Report a problem
Reporting issues when they happen helps make HKNGO better.