Grace Charity Foundation Limited

Website Screen Capture of Grace Charity Foundation Limited (http://www.gracecharity.org)
- Tel : 23211999
- Fax : 23211886
- Address : Block C, 1/F, Kai Tak Factory Building, 99 King Fuk Street, San Po Kong, KLN
- Web Address : http://www.gracecharity.org
- E-mail Address : No related information
- Nonprofit organizationCharitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are Nonprofit organizations.
(English version is not available)
慈恩基金會成立以來,得到熱心人士及機構團體的支持,先後在廣西、雲南、江西、陜西、山東、貴州、甘肅、廣東、四川各省偏遠地區直接或間接援建了超過1300 所中小學校。這群義工為了更有效地開展工作,於 2000 年決定籌組慈恩基金會有限公司,註冊為慈善團體。(免稅檔案:91/6177)
To serve the underprivileged in community (including children in poverty-stricken areas in Mainland China) with emphasis on education.
Service Brief:
- Providing Elderly Services
- Providing Children & Youth Services
Service Scope:
Building of schools, aiding tertiary, teacher education and senior secondary students, building village clinics, constructing water cellars in arid areas, donating library books, etc.
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