Evangelize China Fellowship Shatin Canaan Church Limited - Bradbury Student Development Centre

Website Screen Capture of Evangelize China Fellowship Shatin Canaan Church Limited - Bradbury Student Development Centre (http://www.ecfscc.org.hk)
- Tel : 26060960
- Fax : 26940637
- Address : Flat 119-126, G/F, Sun Ming House, Sun Chui Estate, Shatin, NT
- Web Address : http://www.ecfscc.org.hk
- E-mail Address : No related information
- Nonprofit organizationCharitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are Nonprofit organizations.
No related information
“Train up a child in the way he should go , and when he is old , he will not depart from it.” Proberbs 22:6
Service Brief:
- Providing Children & Youth Services
- Providing Family Services
Service Scope:
1. After-school Care services ( Centre-based / School-based );
2. Recreational and Developmental Programs :
2.1 Seasonal Long Holiday Programs;
2.2 Summer Holiday Programs.
3. Family Life Educational Activities.
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