Bring Me A Book Hong Kong Limited

Website Screen Capture of Bring Me A Book Hong Kong Limited (http://www.bringmeabook.org.hk)
- Tel : 21274533
- Fax : 21677181
- Address : 7/F, On Lan Centre, 11-15 On Lan Street, Central, HK
- Web Address : http://www.bringmeabook.org.hk
- E-mail Address : No related information
- Nonprofit organizationCharitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are Nonprofit organizations.
Bring Me A Book™ Hong Kong is the leading advocate for family literacy in Hong Kong.
We founded in 2006, is a non- profit organization and an affiliate of Bring Me A Book™ Foundation, which is a 501 (c) (3) award winning literacy non-profit headquartered in Mountain View, CA, USA. It was founded by Judy Koch in 1997.
To advocate for family literacy by facilitating access to quality children’s books and empowering parents and educators to read aloud for future success in school and life.
Service Brief:
- Providing Children & Youth Services
- Providing Family Services
Service Scope:
We reach out to underserved children and families in Hong Kong to provide book bag libraries and bookcases and training programs as public resources in nurseries, kindergartens, community centers, shelters and hospitals.
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