基督教励行会(http://www.christian-action.org.hk) 的网页截图
- 电话 : 23823339
- 传真 : 23620046
- 地址 : 九龙观塘观塘道2号新秀大厦4楼
- 网址 : http://www.christian-action.org.hk
- 电邮 : 没有资料
- 非牟利机构根据香港法例成立,可以是透过社团条例注册、公司条例注册或成立慈善基金形式注册,获香港税务条例第88条免税的慈善团体都是非牟利机构。
Christian Action was established in 1985 as a registered charitable organization in Hong Kong. Our mission is to serve those who are poor, disadvantaged, marginalized, displaced or abandoned regardless of their age, gender, nationality and religion.
Our aim is to give them hope, dignity and self reliance. Our services are based on the example of Jesus Christ who came to serve all people, regardless of their age, gender, nationality and religion, which includes:
Humanitarian programs in Hong Kong for refugees, foreign domestic helpers, ethnic minorities, children and youth from low-income families in Hong Kong and cross-border families and immigrants from Mainland China.
Training programs for the underprivileged and unemployed and professional training services for corporate clients needing specialized training for their workforce.
Humanitarian programs in Qinghai Province on the Tibetan Plateau. This includes co-managing fi
我们的使命是服务弱势、被边缘化及流离失所的社群,以及被遗弃的儿童。 我们的目的是带给这些群体希望、尊严及自立能力。 我们的服务建基于耶稣基督的榜样,服务有需要的社群,不论其年龄、性别、国借及宗教信仰。
- 提供儿童及青少年服务
- 提供复康服务
- 提供家庭服务
- 提供社区发展服务
- 提供少数族裔服务
- 提供新来港及跨境家庭服务
- 提供其他服务
1. 新来港家庭服务
2. 难民服务
3. 外籍佣工服务
4. 少数族裔综合服务
5. 教会网络及统筹服务
6. 综合就业缓助计划
7. 社会企业
8. 培训服务
9. 中国青海省社区扶贫及儿童福利院服务